Latest The Consent Tent The STARS Dorset Consent Tent Team deliver activities designed to promote meaningful conversation around sexual consent. We attend music festivals, student and community events and engage with the public, through games, in a light-hearted and fun way. Our aim is to educate and to allow space for people to really examine where their value base sits. We want survivors of sexual trauma to know that they are not alone, that there are services available and that we stand with them. We want people who may be part of a support network for survivors to understand how the language they use and the attitudes they portray may impact on their loved one. We also want to educate future jurors. Conviction rates for sexual assault and rape remain low and this is, in part, due to the way cases are presented in court. We want to educate society to recognise the difference between consensual sex and rape. We all have a responsibility to seek consent in our relationships. Regardless of who you are attracted to, whether you are long term partners or meeting for the first time. Consent is vital and should never be assumed, it should always be clearly and freely communicated. We’ve all been told that the key to good sex is communication but when you strip this back what we’re really saying is the most important thing for good sex is consent. In other words, ‘is this ok?’ With increased media coverage of cases of sexual assault and safer spaces in festivals, the Consent Tent provides a fun, friendly, safe space to consider societal attitudes and reflect on our own understanding of consent. Our trained facilitators will guide you through a series of interactive activities designed to encourage open discussions exploring how we recognise and give consent, as well as, challenging victim blaming behaviours within society. Our trained facilitators open a safe space for players to explore their perception and knowledge around sexual harassment and consent. There are four games to interact with, ranging from myth busting to consent vignettes. Games have been created with the support of Bournemouth University Psychology department, in order to ensure the best learning outcomes. In the past the STARS Dorset Consent Tent has been to Bestival, Camp Bestival, Bournemouth University's Summer Ball, The Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) Yard Party and Bourne Free. If you'd like to find out more about The Consent Tent or want to discuss hiring it for your event get in contact via email: [email protected]